
Ok! I´m a 24 year girl who´s always had problems with laziness. Being a teenager I was playing volleyball almost everyday, until the accident I had few years ago. Thanks to that I discovered my secret passion for chocolate, bed and TV shows. When I met this one guy and decided to take care of myself, obviously to be more attractive, I realized ( a moment of truth), that I weighed almost 80kg.. Yep.. Life in Spain.. No more tapas I said, no more sangria, time to well.. stop being an elephant.

After over a year of regular training running became a lifesaver for me, staying healthy and fit not only can I eat whatever I want but also I can wear all these clothes I wanted to give for charity some time ago.

So hey guys, meet me: before and after, 16 kg less. Stop existing and start running!

(this pic on the left is my fav one and I swear, it´s never been that bad)

ja staraimage (19)




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